We're moving you to the computing center and all the stuff that's on the INFO system needs to be migrated into GOPHER, which was an open-source program that was available to anyone with an Internet connection versus you had to have an account on the mainframe. So GOPHER was kind of an opening of making more information available... about the time I got everything into GOPHER, there were rumblings of this thing called the World Wide Web. And if you had this Netscape, you could look at this site and you can click on different links and you could go different places. So the computing center set up a web server. It was at that time basically GOPHER with a picture. And my project was then to migrate the text from GOPHER into the web server. Because of the background on the mainframe with that markup language, going to HTML — which at that time was pretty limited — really wasn't that much of a stretch. So just a matter of going, editing documents, putting tags in, and there we are. So we launched the webpage.... that was it! Virginia Tech with on the web!