You're just not in your own little silo anymore. You have to be connected with other people. I mean, used to be one person in a department might done all the work, but now you need more and more people. Like one of the things I wrote was more specialization, more decentralization. New job titles instead of one person learning to do everything, there are more positions in departments with specializations such as administrative assistant, might take care of calendaring, or one dean or several deans or department heads. Fiscal assistants, people who do the accounting bookkeeping, ordering. Business managers, they might be over the fiscal assistants or they might be managing HR. IT specialist, computer support tech. Then you have communications which is branched down into its own field, and graphic design is sort of its own field. So we also need technical positions in engineering to fix all the equipment that breaks. So you might need engineers too. So it's just, I'm sure you even see it in the computing area. You have to have people that specialize in different things. Some of them are user support. Some of them are more technical computer support. Some of them are running servers. Some of them are programmers. It takes a whole lot of different types and some of them are security, since that's so prevalent these days. And then there's got to be somebody over top them to lead them all together. That's a lot of change over the years.