We went from typing hard copies to entering into the computer using carbon paper for copies. We went from a copy center on campus to copiers in departments to printing documents to digital documents storage. So that's a big change over the years because we went from hard file copies to digital storage. Decentralization of accounting, student services, registrar, purchasing, controller's office, fixed assets, et cetera. Everything I can think of it. We went from snail mail to OVT mail system to Eudora to Outlook or Google. In the computers, we went from mainframe to personal PCs on the network. We went from coax to digital to fiber optics to Wi-Fi. On the phones we went from the old analog to a digital, which ROLM to Avaya and now we're going to Zoom phones, so you don't even need a phone anymore. Your computer - we went from the old internet to or to Telnet to email. I don't know if you can remember the old facsimile. The first thing you ever had and you put it on and it went from line to line and it sent it off somewhere else and printed. We went from that to fax machines, to attached documents, to DocuSign. On the mainframe we went from like Waterloo SCRIPT, that was the first one, you know, to GML script, then that's similar to HTML script. There's been a lot of other programming. Then to the web. You know we went from internet to Telnet to the web. We went from Word Perfect to Word. I'm sure there was other things from from Excel to Office 365. We went to hard copies to local storage on diskettes to hard drive to cloud computing. We went from having accounts with passwords to Two-Factor. I'm sure there's others out there now, to typewriters and calculators, to computers, from meeting in classrooms to online classrooms to Zoom.