You know, everything was mainframe centric, and then when mini-computers first came out, so the RJE stations that I was working on, those were on mini-computers, it was an HP 21 MX mini-computer, it was basically a refrigerator size. And that was the central unit that ran the card readers and the printers. But PDP 11s and PDP H from the digital equipment, they were starting to come around at that time, and they're about the same size, like a 19 inch rack. Imagine that, but just being processors and disks. So Vinod created this program called Rent-A-Computer where if you guys were faculty researchers and you needed some data acquisition done automatically or did wanted to do some data analysis and you didn't want to use the mainframe because it didn't have the cycle, you could use, you could rent a computer from the computing center. And so Ben Cline and I, because we were in that hardware network department, we were the ones that were assigned to work with various faculty members. Ben worked on one, for instance, it was over in the in the forestry lab, in the pallet lab, I think they had a forestry professors that were looking at factors for curing wood and stuff like how long do you keep it, how long do you dry it, what's the humidity, you know, all that type of stuff. And Ben's assignment was so they had these strain gauges. They put like a four by four and then have a hydraulic press on, and they have strain gauges along the length of it to measure the forces. And then they literally would break them. How much force? And then, okay, this one, under these conditions could withstand this amount of force. So Ben would write the programs to collect that data. I worked on one from materials engineering, that the guy had a ceramic tile that was about the size of a smartphone and a little bit thicker than that, and he put it inside a furnace, heated it up to 1,200 C hit it on one side with a high energy laser, and then would measure the temperature difference on the back side of that. And so I wrote the programs to collect the data for that, and then Ben and I worked on one for a guiding entomology. So it was kind of neat.