Everybody understood that you needed more structure to high performance computing, and you needed more money to buy [laughs] new equipment and stuff like that. And everybody, myself included, never really wanted to charge the researchers for this. You know, we wanted this to be something that Virginia Tech provided to the research faculty. And so in most discussions we had of stuff like that was always, "How are we going to get the money to do this?" It wasn't "How are we going to charge the users [laughs] to make it work?" So that was always kind of good. And so then the university did a second study on, you know, how are we going to do this, how can we maintain this over the years? And that's where this, you know, high performance computing investment committee came into existence. Steger is one that made that. It was the deans and the institute directors that had people, was using computing and stuff like that. He just instructed the high performance computing investment committee to put together a list every year, what's your priorities, what are your really needs and stuff like that. And then that list went directly to Steger. I'm sure the budget office was involved somewhere [laughs] in that process. But it was Steger first, you know. He was just great. He was very, very supportive of this. And so then they'd give us money to buy new equipment.