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Virginia Cyber Range

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The new Virginia Cyber Range “Add an exercise” webpage.
Cyber Range partners with IT Experience and Engagement to upgrade their web portal user interface

The Cyber Range collaborated with IT Experience and Engagement to redesign its web portal user interface, significantly improving accessibility and user experience.

People standing at a table handing out name badges.
The Virginia Cybersecurity Education Conference celebrates its fifth year

Conference highlights included hands-on “villages” that introduced lessons in physical penetration testing, wireless device security, and Cyber Range features, plus the 2022 Virginia Cybersecurity Educator Awards.

Students in a classroom sitting in front of computers.
The Virginia Cyber Range can offer advanced classes thanks to complex networks

The Virginia Cyber Range implemented advanced networking capability that provides for more advanced courseware options that mimic real-life cybersecurity scenarios, including attack/defend-style competitions between student teams.