OneCampus is the new hub for online academic, business, and personal transactions while at the university.

Find university services on Virginia Tech's OneCampus site
OneCampus is the new hub for online academic, business, and personal transactions while at the university. You can use OneCampus to to connect to everything from Canvas to parking services; from leave reports to paystub information; from ticket sales to the academic calendar; and more!
OneCampus represents the next evolution in online services at Virginia Tech. Accessible and interactive, OneCampus is mobile-optimized and can be customized to fit your needs. OneCampus lets you select online resources from numerous Virginia Tech websites, presenting tools and functions as icons that are easy to search, review, and select (like an App Store for the university).
Task Centers group together important information pertinent to different activities or specific groups, like students, parents, or new employees. You can also ‘favorite’ frequently accessed tools to place them at the top of your options, and add comments to share your viewpoints on specific tools.
OneCampus will go beyond the services that MyVT has provided, and will also provide an avenue for additional feedback to service units on user's experiences with their tools and services. As OneCampus is still in the initial stages, the Division of IT is partnering with service units throughout the university and will be continuously adding new services and applications.
Later this year, MyVT will redirect to OneCampus. If your department or service group has online tools that should be added to the portal, use the ‘Send Feedback’ function in OneCampus (in the login menu) to let us know about them.