Fall 2020 Presentations
Departmental Computing Support Symposium (DCSS)
Fall 2020 - via Zoom
October 21, 2020 8 – 10:30AM 
Introduction and Welcome (Scott Midkiff)
Email Routing Refactor Outcomes (Justin Hendrix / Steve Cox)
Securing Zoom Meetings (Quinn Warnick / Dan Yaffe)
All about Captioning (Mark Nichols / Christa Miller)
Using ServiceNow to Streamline and Automate your Business Processes (Anne Sheppard / Kevin Davis)
Computer Lab of the Future (Dale Pike / Gary Burns / Brian Broniak)
State of the (Common) Platform (Mike Irwin)
ITSO projects and initiatives; Minimum Security Standards (Randy Marchany)
UX Community (Zeynep Ondin)
Unified Endpoint Management (David Duckett)
IT Trivia Capture the Flag and Hacker Harvest CTF (Angela Correa)