Information Technology Symposium
April 7, 2017

Friday April 7th
Moss Arts Center / Andrews Information Systems Building
Hosted by the IT Council and the Division of Information Technology
Virginia Tech
To support the exchange of information and encourage greater collaboration between all IT professionals at Virginia Tech, the IT Council and the Division of IT are hosting a new program called the IT Symposium. The inaugural event is coming up on the afternoon of April 7, 2017.
The IT Symposium is organized to promote open discussion in a roundtable format. This year's schedule includes a morning pre-session over at the Moss Arts Center, and four concurrent sessions in the afternoon.
Pre-Session – 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM (at the Cube, Moss Arts Center)
- The Cube: The Immersive Social Supercollider Workshop. 75-minute workshop exploring everything IT related with the Cube. The workshop is AV centric, but will also explore networking, high performance computing, AR/VR, and other forthcoming IT. Led by Tanner Upthegrove and Zach Duer.
Time Slot 1 – 1:00 PM – 1:50 PM
- Session 1: GitLab For Development, Ops, and More
- David Hawes | Marvin Addison
- AISB Classroom
- David Hawes | Marvin Addison
- Session 2: IT Personnel Onboarding Needs: Open Discussion
- Claire Gilbert | Hikmet Gursoy
- AISB 211
- Claire Gilbert | Hikmet Gursoy
- Session 3: Backup Solutions that work - and are affordable!
- Neal Vines | Jeremy Sippel
- AISB 208
- AISB 208
- Neal Vines | Jeremy Sippel
Time Slot 2 – 2:00 PM – 2:50 PM
- Session 1: What's the hype with Docker?
- Michael Irwin
- AISB 2
- 11
- Michael Irwin
- Session 2: Defining Training Needs for IT Roles at Virginia Tech
- Scott Farmer | Scot Ransbottom
- AISB Classroom
- Scott Farmer | Scot Ransbottom
- Session 3: Inventing Virginia Tech's Cloud Future: Changing the way we think about our applications and infrastructure
- Chris Snapp | Brandon Sawyers
- AISB 208
- Chris Snapp | Brandon Sawyers
- Session 4: IT Strategy Development and Implementation
- Denton Yoder | Steven Schafrik
- AISB 113
- Denton Yoder | Steven Schafrik
Time Slot 3 – 3:00 PM – 3:50 PM
- Session 1: IPv6
- Phil Benchoff
- oAISB Classr
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- Phil Benchoff
- Session 2: ServiceNow outside of Central IT
- Scott Shetrone | Kevin Davis | Brock Burroughs
- AISB 211
- Scott Shetrone | Kevin Davis | Brock Burroughs
- Session 3: WebEx for Events
- Harth Tucker | Jim Dickhans
- 113
- Harth Tucker | Jim Dickhans
- nical Deep-Dive -- Aras MemisyaziSession 4: The Virginia Cyber Range: A Techci
Time Slot 4 – 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM
- Session 1: Implementing Login
- Marvin Addison
- AISB 211
- Marvin Addison
- Session 2: Exploring the role of IT in engagement in the University
- Karen Vines
- AISB 113
- Karen Vines
- Session 3: Securing Printers
- Randy Marchany
- AISB Clas
- sroom
- Randy Marchany
The primary focus of these sessions is to foster discussion about the topics. SPACE IS LIMITED, so please register using this link: .
All sessions also have a WebEx option available, but please also register so we can get you the link to the session.
Please plan to attend!