Advanced Research Computing
Alberto Cano, Associate Vice President for Research Computing
Advanced Research Computing (ARC) at Virginia Tech is an innovative and interdisciplinary environment advancing computational science, engineering and technology. Its mission is to:
- Provide computing and visualization resources, support, and leadership to advance computational research at Virginia Tech.
- Provide partnerships and support for joint faculty appointments in academic departments, building areas of excellence in computational science and engineering across disciplines, and providing opportunities for new innovation in scientific computing.
- Offer educational programs and training on scientific computing, encouraging the development of knowledge and skills in computational tools and techniques for undergraduate, graduate and research faculty and staff.
- Offer programs to stimulate and expand interdisciplinary and computational driven research activity at VT, including visiting researcher, travel, distinguished postdoctoral fellow and graduate student programs that provide new sources of support for collaboration, research, and development.
- Affiliate with business, industry, and government to help drive economic development growth in Virginia by building connections between research and applications for emerging tools and techniques in computational science and engineering.
- Collaborate with other computational science and engineering driven research centers in advancing knowledge and leading the evolution of scientific computing tools, techniques, and facilities that accelerate scientific discovery.

Organizational Chart
Research Computing
3050 Torgersen Hall
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
(540) 231-6460