IT Transformation

The IT Transformation Program is a comprehensive effort to reshape and strengthen IT operations, career pathways, security, and services across Virginia Tech. Beginning with a 2021 assessment of capabilities, needs, and gaps, IT Transformation is working to increase alignment of the university's IT organizations and processes and to establish clear pathways for collaboration. The newly established model for shared governance elevates deliberation and parity in IT decision-making across the university, while other projects foster innovation, improve efficiency, cultivate IT talent, and mitigate our cybersecurity risks.
Information technology is integral to Virginia Tech’s ability to achieve its ambitious Beyond Boundaries vision and priorities. It is imperative that the university develop a more effective, coordinated and responsive IT operating model that closely aligns with the university’s changing needs. Across the administrative and academic enterprises, the institution’s long-term success relies on how well we do this.
With this in mind, the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors charged the Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (EVPCOO) to assess the current state of IT at the university. In September 2021, the university engaged Deloitte to conduct a thorough universitywide review of information technology operations and security. Based upon these findings, leaders in the Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology and CIO, and other key stakeholders at Virginia Tech have developed a prioritized, Virginia Tech-specific IT Transformation program.
Charged by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors in June 2021 to assess the current state of IT at the university, the Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer engaged Deloitte to conduct a thorough universitywide review of information technology operations and security. The review began in September 2021 and ran through the fall semester. It focused on the following domains:
- IT Governance
- IT Finance
- IT Talent
- Technology Capabilities
- Service Management
- Cybersecurity
Deloitte’s report was structured around these domains and includes detailed analyses, recommendations, a roadmap, and a draft implementation plan to execute the report’s recommendations.
Deloitte Report Sections:
- Current State Assessment, Case for Change (PDF)
- Current State Assessment, Cybersecurity Review (PDF)
- Future State Recommendations and Proposed Roadmap (PDF)
IT Transformation university-wide launch (recorded Feb. 3, 2022) | Slides (PDF)
IT Transformation News
- Cybersecurity protection thwarts sophisticated attack; additional safeguards under consideration Cyberattacks are evolving. The Virginia Tech Division of Information Technology is continually upping its approach to stay ahead of the hackers.
- Virginia Tech streamlines software procurement through two new processes Improved processes spearheaded by the IT Transformation Program are making it easier for Virginia Tech departments to get the software they need, when they need it.
- Program director named for IT Transformation Zohaib Qazi brings to Virginia Tech experience in strategic planning, transforming and implementing new business processes, and resolving complex IT issues.
Contact Us:
For questions or additional information about any work related to the IT Transformation Program, please contact the Program Office at