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Project Scope

The project planning processes culminate with completion and approval of the project scope form. The project scope describes, in sufficient detail, the projects deliverables and the work required to accomplish those deliverables. It uses as inputs and as supporting documentation, all the other project planning documents (e.g., Security plan, Budget plan, etc.). The scope condenses detail from the planning worksheets into concise statements of project purpose, background, deliverables, stakeholders, resources, operations and support, and safety, security and risks. It gives the projects' sponsors and major stakeholders a thorough overview of the project without having to review the details of each planning worksheet. An Additional benefit and use of the project scope, is to give the project manager or leader a baseline by which to evaluate and manage project change requests. With proper preparation the IT project scope form can be used as a tool that guides project execution, monitoring, controlling, and closure.

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Directions For Use

  1. Save a copy of the IT Project Scope Form (Word | pdf).
  2. Following guidance in each section of the form complete the IT Project Scope Form using as inputs the other planning worksheets and plans.
  3. Obtain appropriate approvals and signatures.
  4. Store the signed form with the other project management documentation in the project document repository.
  5. Refer to the scope form often throughout the project lifecycle but especially when managing project change requests.