Security Incident Quick Response Guide provides essentials for reporting and managing incidents

During FY 2024, the IT Security Office (ITSO) developed a new IT Security Quick Response Guide as a tool for departmental IT leaders to use during incident response.
While the university’s Guide for Cyber Security Incident Response provides a comprehensive framework of procedures to follow for incident response, in the event of a security incident time is of the essence, and taking the appropriate response is essential. Having a clear, concise set of instructions can help IT professionals stay focused and begin enacting their response more quickly.
Intended to complement the Guide for Cyber Security Incident Response, the quick guide provides general advice, timelines, response actions, and information requirements for incident response activities. The quick guide was released in July 2024.
Moving forward, the ITSO will gather feedback from the IT community to help improve the Quick Response Guide, as well as to refine the ITSO’s incident response and system recovery processes.