Providing technology support for the Job Architecture Project
In FY 2024, Enterprise Systems assisted Human Resources with implementing job architecture for Administrative and Professional (A/P) faculty jobs at Virginia Tech. The job architecture is a comprehensive system used to group nearly 2,500 A/P faculty roles based on similar functions, responsibilities, and required skills. It includes a structured framework that defines and organizes various roles, responsibilities, career paths, and compensation levels within the university. By establishing pathways for career development and pay ranges associated with each job level, the job architecture promotes pay transparency.
Enterprise Systems designed, implemented, and will continue to maintain the technical architecture that supports job architecture. Enterprise Systems leadership participated in the project steering team and project management efforts that guided the project.
Having a job architecture in place is vital for accomplishing Virginia Tech’s goal of being a destination for talent, in keeping with the university’s strategic priority, Virginia Tech Global Distinction. These structures provide a foundation to hire, pay, develop, and advance our workforce through clear career paths and competitive and equitable compensation practices.