Establish a universitywide IT Governance model
This project was intended to establish and define a coordinated universitywide governance model to facilitate effective IT decision-making in service to the needs of the university. The six committees that make up the governance model meet regularly to provide a framework to enable well-informed decision-making that aligns with Virginia Tech’s mission and defines measures of accountability for related processes. It is a means for ensuring that IT work aligns across the university’s academic, research, and administrative spheres, enabling collaboration that leads to increased consistency and transparency in decision-making and prioritization of initiatives.
Project Team:
Project Lead/Manager: Zo Qazi, IT Transformation Program Director
Team Members:
Sharon P. Pitt, VP for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
Vicki Hall, Director, IT Strategic and Operational Planning
Angela Correa, Director, IT Communications
Karen Herrington, Director, IT Data Analytics and Visualization
Greg Kroll, Associate Director of IT Project Management
Thulasi Kumar Raghuraman, Associate Vice Provost, Analytics
David Crotts, Director, Financial Management and Business Operations
Lisa Sedlak, Program Coordinator
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