Enterprise Systems improved the usability and security of Virginia Tech's online giving platform during FY 2024.

This year, Enterprise Systems made improvements to the university’s online giving platform, enhancing the overall donor experience and contributing to the success of our Advancement Division. With a focus on accessibility, ease of use, and security, we’ve implemented a series of upgrades that have made donating to Virginia Tech faster and more convenient than ever before. These improvements include:

  • A Session Timer, which warns users before their session times out

  • Improved ability to recognize and prevent credit card fraud 

  • Improved auditing and logging to assist with user troubleshooting

  • Accessibility improvements

  • Improved admin controls to allow for greater customization when creating new giving pages, which can in turn improve the end user experience,

  • Additional data analysis capabilities to allow admins to evaluate and respond to donor preferences.

In addition, Enterprise Systems moved the online giving platform to the IT Common Platform, allowing developers to more easily update and manage their applications.

These enhancements have contributed to increased engagement and higher donation volumes, underscoring the vital role technology plays in supporting our fundraising initiatives.